Thursday, January 17, 2008

How To Handle A Long Flight

Long airplane rides are not usually a problem as they generally happen over a period where the passengers would be asleep anyway. This makes for a more relaxing flight for the passengers as they aren't burdened with the constraints of their tiny quarters and an easier flight for the staff as they have less to worry about and are able to help the few people who need it.

If you are lucky to get a flight such as this always wear comfortable clothes. Flights are usually quite chilly so wear a sweater or something that can be taken off if you are planning on landing somewhere warm. Bring a small pillow for comfort as the ones they have available are limited and you may need extra cushioning. A book or other quiet activity would also be advisable if you are not planning to sleep so that you don't disturb the other passengers. Think of it as a couple hours to meditate and plan what a great time you're going to have!

However there are the long flights that happen while everyone is awake and these can be hard on everyone. There are a few things to remember when traveling on these. One, everyone is uncomfortable and bored, you are not alone. Two, the flight attendants are doing their best; do not get upset with them.

You may find it hard to concentrate on the quieter activities you may have brought as there is likely to be a lot of noise and action around you from other passengers. In this case the best thing to do is try and make friends with the people around you. Nothing helps pass the time than someone to talk to you. It also helps if you are as polite and accommodating as possible. Remember a positive attitude is usually returned by others.

A long flight is a side effect of international travel. It's only a bother if you make it one.

Health concerns can often pop up while traveling so when you are on the road, you can do searches for local pharmacy locations, nearby medical clinics, or dentistry locations.



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